The organizations and individuals listed here offer specific ministries and programs for pastors and their families, and may provide any encouragement, renewal or restoration you might need. While we have taken great care in the evaluation and selection of these ministries, Focus on the Family does not necessarily endorse the views that may be expressed by them. Additional help with referrals is available by calling our toll-free Pastoral Care Line at (877) 233-4455. Please contact any ministry in which you are interested directly for more detailed information.

Option 1: View, print or download a list of all caregiving ministries sorted by category:

Click here to open a list of all caregiving ministries (PDF file).

Click here to download free Adobe Reader software, which is required to view or print PDF files.    

Option 2: List all caregiving ministries in the category selected below within one or all states:

Leadership and Conflict Consultants
  (Programs and training in leadership development and conflict resolution)

Financial and Legal Consultants
  (Advice on financial or legal issues)

Reflection and Relaxation Providers
  (Locations for unstructured reflection and renewal with no counseling)

Rest and Renewal Retreat Centers
  (Retreat facilities for rejuvenation and rest with optional light counseling)

Restoration and Counseling Retreat Centers
  (Retreat facilities for restoration through intensive counseling)

Psychologists, Psychiatrists and Counseling Offices
  (Intensive counseling services in an office setting)

Treatment Centers, Clinics and Hospitals
  (Clinical environments for intensive counseling and recovery)

Miscellaneous Ministries
  (A variety of services, gatekeepers and unique ministries)

International Ministries
  (Ministries located outside of the United States)

Online Web Site Only Ministries
  (Resources primarily or exclusively implemented through Web sites)


Option 3: List all caregiving ministries in any category within one state:


If you are interested in having your own ministry included in this list, click here to print a standard application form (PDF file) or send a request for an application with your contact name, organization name and mailing address to [email protected].

If your ministry is simply a Reflection and Relaxation Provider (a location for unstructured personal reflection and renewal with no counseling), click here to print an abbreviated application form (PDF file).