Every pastor's family needs proven resources to encourage them along the way, to help them avoid the common pitfalls of ministry, or to guide through recovery from a crisis. Each of the products in this category offers valuable information that may be just right for you and your family! While we have taken great care in the evaluation and selection of these resources, Focus on the Family does not necessarily endorse the views that may be expressed by them. Note that several may now be out of print or no longer available. However, many of these may be found in a public or seminary library or from a colleague in ministry. Additional referrals may be available by calling our toll-free Pastoral Care Line at (877) 233-4455.
The African American Christian Family: Building Lasting Family Relationships
Author(s): Eddie B. Lane
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Black Family Press, 1997
A challenging and provoking resource for the African-American Christian family.
After the Boxes Are Unpacked
Author(s): Susan Miller
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Focus on the Family/Tyndale, 1995
More than 40 million Americans move each year, and studies show it can be one of the most stressful times in a marriage. For pastoral families, it can be even more difficult. Penned by a veteran of 14 relocations, this resource will help even the most reluctant relocatee move on after moving in.
Available from Focus on the Family (BL294)
Retail price: $11
The Book of Virtues
Author(s): William J. Bennett
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Simon & Schuster
A collection of hundreds of stories in an instructive and inspiring anthology that will help children understand and develop character--and help adults teach them.
Bringing Up Boys
Author(s): James C. Dobson
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Tyndale, 2001
Boys are suffering due to the denigration of masculinity by our culture, and there is much confusion about the roles of men. Those who are concerned about shaping the character of boys will appreciate the advice and encouragement, based on biblical principles, that are offered in this book.
Available from Focus on the Family (BK099)
Retail price: $23
Children Are a Blessing From the Lord
Author(s): Tamara Boggs
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Kregel, 2001
While quiet moments may be rare, this collection of 31 touching reflections reminds moms and dads that every day, whether frenzied or serene, is filled with demonstrations of God's blessing. Shows how children can be a window to greater understanding of the heavenly Father.
Christian Parenting
Periodical Type: magazine
P.O. Box 37060
Boone, IA 50037
Phone: (800) 238-2221
Features articles from a Christian perspective on various parenting issues.
Coaching Your Kids in the Game of Life
Author(s): Ricky Byrdsong
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Bethany House, 2000
A common sense approach on how to build a winning family by teaching teamwork, tolerance, discipline and love.
Complete Marriage and Family Home Reference Guide
Author(s): James C. Dobson
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Tyndale, 2000
A collection of over 495 marriage- and family-related questions encompassing all areas of family life. (Former title: Solid Answers)
Available from Focus on the Family (BK095)
Retail price: $13
Dad, I'm Pregnant (I, II)
Product Format: CD
Guests: Anonymous pastor with James Dobson
A pastor with a pregnant 14-year-old discusses the impact on those involved, including family and church reactions, parental guilt and forgiveness, the decision for adoption and the eventual death of the baby.
Available from Focus on the Family (CD126)
Retail price: $9
Daddy's Home
Author(s): Mike Yorkey, Greg Johnson
Product Format: Booklet
Publisher/Copyright: Focus on the Family
From interviews with hundreds of fathers come the best ideas and most effective approaches to help dads be great dads.
Daddy, I'm Pregnant
Author(s): A dad named Bill
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: College Press, 1998
A story of love and forgiveness, joy and sorrow! Faced with the desolation of a teenage daughter's pregnancy, one father found his faith in God, his family and his ministry stretched to the breaking point.
Every Child Can Succeed
Author(s): Cynthia Tobias
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Focus on the Family/Tyndale, 1999
Identifying a child's personal learning style can be useful in helping the child succeed in school and in determining appropriate discipline.
Available from Focus on the Family (BL095)
Retail price: $11
Families Where Grace Is in Place
Author(s): Jeff VanVonderen
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Bethany House, 1992
Healthy relationships between husband and wife, between parents and children, are possible only when the filter of God's grace is placed over the processes of marriage and parenting.
Family Feuds
Product Format: CD
Guests: Ron L. Deal, Annie Chapman, Lois I. Evans and Morris and Kathy Barnett with H.B. London Jr.
Are there times when you struggle with family relationships? Many of the characteristics of today's fragmented families are found in the pastor's home, as well — in good and bad ways. Join H.B. London Jr. and his guests on this edition of Pastor to Pastor as they explore some challenging realities facing families today. The ability to thrive in the midst of blended families, difficult in-laws, complex adoptions and more will be discussed by our guests. (Click here for a full list of Pastor to Pastor titles.)
Available from Focus on the Family (F00391D)
Retail price: $10
Family Stress: When Relationships Break Down
Product Format: CD
Guests: Dewey Bertolini
A youth pastor tells of disregarding his father's expectations and shunning athletics, resulting in rejection before eventual reconciliation.
Available from Focus on the Family (CD079)
Retail price: $9
Father Hunger
Author(s): Robert McGee
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Vine, 1993
Examines the effects of poor fathering on adult children, including the importance of a father in the family system to a child's spiritual and emotional development.
Frugal Families: Making the Most of Your Hard-Earned Money
Author(s): Jonni McCoy
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Bethany House, 2003
A very 'easy read' for families trying to save money in a variety of areas.
God of My Father
Author(s): Larry Crabb Jr.
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Zondervan, 1994
Through the recollections of a father and the subsequent reflections of his son, the story of a godly family's faith being passed from generation to generation is unveiled. A great tale of successful mentoring and a spiritual heritage that recognizes the faithfulness of God.
A Handbook for Parents
Author(s): Alice and Robert Fryling
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: InterVarsity
A very practical and biblically based guide that addresses major parenting issues.
Healing the Past and Moving On (I, II)
Product Format: CD
Guests: Carolyn Koons
Koons recalls her childhood suffering, her father's rejection and hatred for his illegitimate child, and her pilgrimage of healing.
Available from Focus on the Family (CD117)
Retail price: $9
Hit By a Ton of Bricks
Author(s): edited by John Vawter
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: FamilyLife, 2002
Pastor Vawter shares his daughter's journey from addiction to sobriety, along with the stories of 18 other families who have found hope, love and healing.
Hope for the Hurting Parent
Author(s): Margie M. Lewis
Product Format: Booklet
Publisher/Copyright: Focus on the Family
Lessons for parents are drawn from the stories of different wayward children, including trusting God, forgiving, loving and accepting their offspring. Includes a glossary of passages that have proved helpful to many hurting parents.
How to Really Love Your Child
Author(s): Ross Campbell
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Victor
Details the three practical things you can do that will help your child to feel loved and find emotional wholeness.
How to Really Love Your Teenager
Author(s): Ross Campbell
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Victor
Addresses common youth concerns of unconditional love, affection, depression and anger.
The Hurting Parent
Author(s): Margie M. Lewis and Gregg Lewis
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Zondervan, 1998
A great book for the Christian parent whose child does not follow God's call.
I Have to Be Perfect
Author(s): Timothy L. Sanford
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Llama Press, 1998
Ministry hazards can take their toll on preachers' kids. With candor and honesty, Sanford speaks directly to PKs regarding faulty conclusions they may have internalized about themselves, their world or God. Also helpful for parents or spouses of PKs.
Kids in Crisis
Product Format: CD
Guests: Jim Burns, Pat Verbal, Craig and Lynn Ann Bogard and Neil Wiseman with H.B. London Jr.
Pastoral families are not exempt from the growing destructive influences of our culture. In this edition of Pastor to Pastor, you'll hear H.B. London Jr. and his guests bring understanding to the process of raising 'perfect' kids in a less-than-perfect world.
(Click here for a full list of Pastor to Pastor titles.)
Available from Focus on the Family (F00078D)
Retail price: $10
Mom, Everyone Else Does!
Author(s): Sharon A. Hersh
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Shaw Books, 2005
This product will help any mother become their daughter's ally in responding to peer pressure to drink, smoke and use drugs.
My Mother Played the Piano
Author(s): John W. Smith
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: 20th Century Christian, 1993
Smith's stories give illustration to the premise that children are not raised deliberately, but through providence, prayer and the spiritual disposition of their parents.
The On-My-Own Handbook
Author(s): Bobb Biehl
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Aylen, 2004
Simple and practical principles are provided for those young people who feel they are ready to be out-on-their-own.
Once a Parent, Always a Parent
Author(s): Stephen A. Bly
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Focus on the Family, Tyndale, 1999
It's a shock to some parents when they realize their involvement in their children's lives continues even after the kids are old enough to vote. With pointed stories, Bly will help you launch and relaunch your kids, enjoy them and adjust your expectations for the adult years.
Available from Focus on the Family (BL014)
Retail price: $6
Parenting the Heart of Your Child
Author(s): Diane Moore
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Bethany House, 2005
Helpful to pastoral parents who want their children to be able to respond with maturity and consistency beyond the expectations of being PKs.
Pastors as Parents
Product Format: Audiocassette
Guests: Gary Smalley, Steve Russo, J. Otis Ledbetter, John and Susan Vawter with H.B. London Jr.
A Pastor to Pastor discussion of the delicate balance of priorities needed for parenting in a pastor's home. (Click here for a full list of Pastor to Pastor titles.)
Available from Focus on the Family (PC02I)
Retail price: $10
Peacemaking for Families: A Biblical Guide to Managing Conflict in Your Home
Author(s): Ken Sande with Tom Raabe
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Tyndale/Focus on the Family, 2002
The authors show that family conflict is inevitable and normal, but they also provide hope and practical steps for dealing with conflict as it arises.
Available from Focus on the Family (BL163)
Retail price: $13
Plugged In
Periodical Type: magazine
Colorado Springs, CO 80995
Phone: (800) 232-6459
Web: www.pluggedinonline.com
Available from Focus on the Family (PGSUB)
Retail price: $24
Prodigal in the Parsonage
Author(s): Judi Braddy
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Beacon Hill Press, 2004
With encouragement, hope and a hint of humor, the author shares practical perspectives on how the challenges of having a prodigal child affects ministry as well as the ways your life, family and ministry can be enriched if you stay the course and apply the lessons.
Raising Pure Kids in an Impure World
Author(s): Richard & Renee Durfield
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Bethany House, 2004
Provides help for parents who wish to raise their children with respect for sexual purity.
Raising Your Child to Love God
Author(s): Andrew Murray
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Bethany House, 2001
Bible-based examples of what God expects from parents and what He promises in return.
Reclaiming the Urban Family
Author(s): Willie Richardson
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Zondervan, 1996
Solutions for urban pastors whose congregations may be plagued by problems such as low income, drug abuse or divorce.
The Resilient Pastor
Author(s): Dan Kohn
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: WW Press, 2003
Provides guidelines to help establish balance and boundaries in marriage and ministry.
The Smart Step-Family: Seven Steps to a Healthy Family
Author(s): Ron L. Deal
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Bethany House, 2002
The spiritual and relational challenges facing stepfamilies are compassionately and competently discussed.
Available from Focus on the Family (P00385B)
Retail price: $ 14
The Strong-Willed Adolescent
Author(s): James Dobson
Product Format: Booklet
Publisher/Copyright: Focus on the Family
Suggestions offered for coping with the strong-willed pre-teen and teenager. Issues of respect, dealing with conflict and establishing boundaries are addressed.
A Tale of Two Sons
Author(s): H.B. London Jr. with James Dobson
Product Format: Audiocassette
Guests: H.B. London Jr. with James Dobson
Cousins London and Dobson talk about their relationships with their minister fathers, contrasting London's difficult relationship with his absentee father to the very close relationship that Dobson enjoyed with James Dobson, Sr. Stresses the importance of fathers communicating their love to their sons and urges them to take every opportunity to strengthen their family relationships.
Understanding Your Child's Personality
Author(s): James Dobson
Product Format: Booklet
Publisher/Copyright: Focus on the Family
A child's feelings of inferiority are explored, identifying the six most common ways of dealing with inferiority: withdrawal, anger and aggression, clowning around, denial of reality, conformity and compensation.
What a Daughter Needs from Her Dad
Author(s): Michael Farris
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Bethany House, 2004
A father of six daughters shares how a man prepares his daughter for life.
Available from Focus on the Family (P00015B)
Retail price: $15
When You're Facing the Empty Nest
Author(s): Mary Ann Froehlich
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Bethany House, 2005
This book is designed for an individual or ideally a group to use in understanding God's design for the mid-life years.