Every pastor's family needs proven resources to encourage them along the way, to help them avoid the common pitfalls of ministry, or to guide through recovery from a crisis. Each of the products in this category offers valuable information that may be just right for you and your family! While we have taken great care in the evaluation and selection of these resources, Focus on the Family does not necessarily endorse the views that may be expressed by them. Note that several may now be out of print or no longer available. However, many of these may be found in a public or seminary library or from a colleague in ministry. Additional referrals may be available by calling our toll-free Pastoral Care Line at (877) 233-4455.

Being Yourself as a Pastor's Wife

Product Format: CD
Guests: Kay Warren, Pam Farrel, Janell Repp, Linda Swanson, Kandy Veenker and Jane Rubietta with H.B. London Jr.

Pastor to Pastor addresses the challenges pastors' wives face in defining their roles at home and in the ministry. (Click here for a full list of Pastor to Pastor titles.)
Available from Focus on the Family (F00643D)
Retail price: $10

Counsel for Pastors' Wives

Author(s): Diane Langberg
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Zondervan, 1988

Provides sympathetic and realistic answers to 14 questions most commonly asked by pastors' wives.

Devotions for Ministry Wives

Author(s): Barbara Hughes, Editor
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Zondervan, 2002

Heart-to-heart devotional insights and encouragement for women whose husbands are church leaders, from fellow ministry wives who know the trials and the rewards.

Examining Our Attitudes

Product Format: Audiocassette
Guests: Patsy Clairmont

A humorous look at attitudes in women's lives that get in the way of God's direction for them.

Fatigue and the Homemaker

Author(s): James Dobson
Product Format: Booklet
Publisher/Copyright: Focus on the Family

Practical suggestions are offered to help women balance the many demands made on their time. Issues addressed are fatigue and time pressure, overcommitment, domestic help and working women.

A God for All Seasons

Author(s): Sue Haydon-Knowell
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Shaw Books, 2005

Advice on how to cope with the challenges faced during the different stages of a woman's life: singleness, marriage and motherhood.

Good Women Get Angry

Author(s): Gary J. Oliver and H. Norman Wright
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Vine

This thoroughly biblical and extremely practical book shows not only why anger is a proper and godly response to many of the challenges women face, but also how anger can be a vital tool in God's hands for bringing about needed change.

High Call, High Privilege

Author(s): Gail MacDonald
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Hendrickson, 1998

Few autobiographical books teach life-changing principles, but this book will touch your heart while providing keen insight and helpful principles into the high calling of being a pastor's wife.
Available from Focus on the Family (BD461)
Retail price: $11

I'm More Than the Pastor's Wife

Author(s): Lorna Dobson
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Zondervan, 1995

How can a pastor's wife support her husband's ministry without losing her own identity? How can she handle the various expectations of the congregation, the board, her husband, her family and even herself? Contentment comes in knowing struggle is normal and that you're not alone in walking the narrow balance beam.

Just Between Us

Periodical Type: magazine

777 South Barker Road
Brookfield, WI 53045
Phone: (800) 260-3342
            (262) 786-6478
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.justbetweenus.org

A quarterly magazine for pastors' wives, missionaries and church workers. (Published by Telling the Truth Media Ministries)

Loving Your Body: Embracing Your True Beauty in Christ

Author(s): Deborah Newman
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Tyndale, 2002

Blows the cover off the world's beauty myths and reminds readers that God accepts us and wants us to see ourselves as He does.

Married to a Pastor

Author(s): H.B. London Jr. and Neil B. Wiseman
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Regal, 1999

In a 'read-together, write-together' format, the authors offer help to pastoral couples for surviving the risks of ministry. Includes personal tributes from many well-known pastors to their wives.
Available from Focus on the Family (BP169)
Retail price: $15

The Pastor's Wife

Periodical Type: newsletter

8731 Brynwood Drive
Boise, ID 83704
Phone: (208) 377-5955

The Proverbs 31 Lady and Other Impossible Dreams

Author(s): Marsha Drake
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Bethany House, 1984

Becoming 'A Virtuous Woman' — from the inside out!

Through Deep Waters: Letters to Hurting Wives

Author(s): Kathy Gallagher
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Pure Life Ministries, 1998

This collection of letters imparts heartening encouragement by providing the practical, spiritual answers that helped the author find healing in the midst of the most trying storm.

Understanding the Man in Your Life (I, II)

Author(s): Norm Wright
Product Format: Audiocassette
Guests: Norm Wright

Understanding the unique characteristics of men and the personality types that can cause conflict and misunderstanding in marriage.

Window in a Glass House

Author(s): Shirley Walker
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Imago Dei, 2003

In a devotional format, this book offers hope and encouragement to pastors' wives who are discouraged, weary, and longing to find meaning in the midst of the hectic life of the parsonage.

A Woman's Guide to Personality Types

Author(s): Donna Partow
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Bethany House, 2002

Enriching your family relationships by understanding the four temperaments.