Every pastor's family needs proven resources to encourage them along the way, to help them avoid the common pitfalls of ministry, or to guide through recovery from a crisis. Each of the products in this category offers valuable information that may be just right for you and your family! While we have taken great care in the evaluation and selection of these resources, Focus on the Family does not necessarily endorse the views that may be expressed by them. Note that several may now be out of print or no longer available. However, many of these may be found in a public or seminary library or from a colleague in ministry. Additional referrals may be available by calling our toll-free Pastoral Care Line at (877) 233-4455.

At the Altar of Sexual Idolatry

Author(s): Steve Gallagher
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Pure Life Ministries, 2000

A straightforward, confronting book detailing the problem of sexual addiction and a corresponding biblical solution for change.

Caring for Sexually Abused Children

Author(s): R. Timothy Kearny
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: InterVarsity, 2001

Understanding the symptoms and responding appropriately to sexual child abuse.
Available from Focus on the Family (BD430)
Retail price: $13

Counterfeit Sexuality

Author(s): Daniel R. Heimbach
Product Format: Booklet
Publisher/Copyright: Focus on the Family, 2002

A defense of biblical sexual morality.

Craving for Love

Author(s): Briar Whitehead
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Monarch, 2003

A thorough study of relationship issues with a heavy emphasis on homosexuality: causes, prevention, healing and the church's responses.

Dangers of the Internet

Product Format: Audiocassette
Guests: Quentin Schultze, Zachary Britton, Ted Roberts and Angie Fetrow with H.B. London Jr.

A Pastor to Pastor discussion on how pastors can utilize the Internet--a fascinating research tool that also presents the tremendous dangers of pornography — without compromising the God-given values foundational to a healthy marriage, family life and career. (Click here for a full list of Pastor to Pastor titles.)
Available from Focus on the Family (PC00G)
Retail price: $10

False Intimacy: Understanding the Struggle of Sexual Addiction

Author(s): Harry Schaumburg
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: NavPress, 1997

Pursuing pseudo connections in search of true intimacy--often at the cost of reputation, health, security and self-respect--is characteristic of sexual addiction. Schaumburg offers hope to those whose lives or ministries have been impacted by this problem, including biblical guideposts for the journey to restoration.
Available from Focus on the Family (BD717)
Retail price: $14

Handbook for Hurting Wives

Author(s): Stephen & Tonna Cervantes & Jonathan & Elaine Daughterty
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Be Broken Ministries, 2003

This product has great potential for those who need a structured outline concerning sexcual indiscretion.

The Handbook for Hurting Wives

Author(s): Stephen & Tonna Cervantes & Jonathna & Elaine Daughterty
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Be Broken Ministries, 2003

This product has great potential for those who need a structured outline concerning sexual indiscretion.

Living in the Freedom Christ Gives

Author(s): Harvey Brown
Product Format: DVD
Publisher: Impact Ministries, 2004

A very helpful teaching tool for those struggling with pornography.

Love Wins Out

Product Format: CD
Guests: Joe Dallas, Alan Chambers, Melissa Fryrear, Mike Haley and Mike Riley with host H.B. London, Jr.

As homosexuality becomes increasingly accepted and debated, it's more and more difficult to have answers. Yet it's vital for Christians to understand the issue. In this edition of Pastor to Pastor, you'll gain perspectives from former homosexuals, learn how to reach out to individuals with tenderness, understand how to respond to the 'born that way' argument, and extend compassion without compromise. (Click here for a full list of Pastor to Pastor titles.)
Available from Focus on the Family (F00393D)
Retail price: $10.00

No Apologies: The Truth About Life, Love and Sex

Product Format: DVD
Publisher: Focus on the Family, 1998

This DVD, hosted by popular actor Austin O'Brien, features prerecorded clips of teens and medical authorities on sex, unwed pregnancy and teen marriage. The emphasis is on abstinence, asserting that teens are able to choose to remain virgins and should be urged and affirmed to do so.
Available from Focus on the Family (F00567V)
Retail price: $15

Pastors and Addiction (I, II)

Product Format: Audiocassette
Guests: H.B. London Jr. and Ralph Earle

Discusses sexual addiction among pastors. Addresses the epidemic occurrence of these addictions, their origins, their progressive natures and their effect on the family.

Pastors and Infidelity (I, II)

Product Format: Audiocassette
Guests: H.B. London Jr., Archibald Hart and Dave Carder with James Dobson

Analyzes the tragedy of infidelity in ministry and the devastation it leaves behind.

Pastors and Sexual Addiction

Author(s): James Dobson, Ralph Earle and H.B. London Jr.
Product Format: Periodical
Periodical Name: Enrichment magazine, Spring 1997>

This candid interview offers practical and wise counsel that can bring wholeness to the church and healing to the undershepherd. [Article]

Pastors and Sexual Temptation (I, II)

Product Format: Audiocassette
Guests: Donald Joy with James Dobson

Exposes forces that trigger ministerial affairs, the rise of accepting infidelity, the distinction between promiscuity and adultery, ties between sexuality and spirituality, symbiotic congregations, pastors addicted to pornography and the natural sexual desire versus lust.

The Pornography Trap

Author(s): Ralph H. Earle Jr. and Mark R. Laaser
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Beacon Hill, 2002

Help for pastors and laypersons flirting with sexual addiction or counseling others who have already crossed the line. Explores the core issues related to sexual sin and gives insight into developing a biblical view of healthy sexuality.

Pornography and the Pulpit

Author(s): Richard Nevard
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Publish America, 2006

Remarkably, the same personality traits that compel an individual toward pastoral ministry are found in persons most inclined toward sexual addiction: More than 50 percent of Christian clergy in America are reportedly addicted to pornography.

Pure Desire

Author(s): Ted Roberts
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Regal, 1999

Tackles the difficult issues of sexual addiction and pornography with confidence, clarity and a biblical perspective.

Restoration Manual

Author(s): Thomas L. Pedigo
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Winning Edge Ministries

A workbook giving a step-by-step process for organizing a Restoration Team for a fallen but repentant pastor with the goal of bringing help for inner healing and hope for future ministry. (Only available through their Web site at www.win-edge.com/Restoration.shtml)

Restoring the Fallen: A Team Approach to Caring, Confronting & Reconciling

Author(s): Earl D. Wilson, Sandy Wilson, Paul Friesen, Virginia Friesen, Larry Paulson, Nancy Paulson
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: InterVarsity Press, 1997

What if a Christian leader is involved in sexual sin or embezzlement or has an addiction to gambling and you want to bring them back into fellowship with more than a superficial apology? The spiritual care team offers a new model for church discipline that is biblical, compassionate and effective.

The Seductive Lure of the Internet Porn (I, II)

Author(s): Joann Condie
Product Format: CD
Guests: Rob Jackson, Pastor Bernie with James Dobson

Addresses the problem and treatment of Internet pornography.
Available from Focus on the Family (B00056D)
Retail price: $9

Sexual Failure in High Places: When Ministers Go Down in Flames

Author(s): Donald M. Joy
Product Format: Periodical
Periodical Name: Preacher's magazine, June-August 1990>

Presents psychological and spiritual factors that can contribute to a pastor being susceptible to moral failure. [Article]

The Sexual Man

Author(s): Archibald Hart
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Word, 1995

Psychologist and author Hart confidentially surveyed more than 600 men about their sexual satisfactions, fetishes, fears and failures to learn the truth about the private lives of 'good' men. Suggests ways to recognize and accept healthy male sexuality.

Sexual Misconduct in Counseling and Ministry

Author(s): Peter Mosgofian and George Ohlschlager
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Word, 1995

Wise counsel that offers remedies for the thorny issues of sexual exploitation by religious professionals.

Too Close to the Flame

Author(s): Gregg Jantz
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Howard Publishing Co., 1999

Anyone can fall prey to sexual temptation or become the target of a sexual aggressor. Any man or woman who has contact with the opposite sex — whether in the workplace — or at play, needs the vital information contained in these pages.

Torn Asunder Workbook: Recovering From Extramarital Affairs

Author(s): Dave Carder
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Moody, 2001

A companion workbook for Carder's classic book, Torn Asunder, that helps collect thoughts and perceptions regarding an affair, a marriage and family or origin as a record toward recovery.

Torn Asunder: Recovering From Extramarital Affairs

Author(s): Dave Carder
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Moody, 2001

Helping the reader understand the underlying dynamics that make one vulnerable to an affair, this book assists those in the process of rebuilding a relationship and offers a preventative tool for affair-proofing marriages.
Available from Focus on the Family (BP020)
Retail price: $17.00

The War Within

Author(s): Robert Daniels
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Crossway, 1997

The author uses his victory over a 25-year addiction to pornography to reveal the power of God in developing a pure life.

When Good Men Are Tempted

Author(s): Bill Perkins
Product Format: Book
Publisher/Copyright: Zondervan, 1997

Details a plan for sexual purity that will preserve the sanctity of a man's marriage, family, and relationship with God.