We've found that pastors are often the most helpful in ministering to their colleagues. To this end, and to help us better understand the ever-changing landscape in which pastors and their families live, we host roundtable events in local communities with a dozen or so representative pastors at which we have fellowship and conversational sharing. For additional information or to learn more about having a roundtable event in your area, contact us by phone at (719) 531-3360 or by e-mail at [email protected].
In an effort to serve the pastors of tomorrow, we often strategize with various seminaries around the country in order to meet with their students. This frequently means a member or two from our staff coming as guest lecturers, through which we provide a realistic view of what it is like to be a pastor these days. We also spend a lot of time with questions and answers. The goal is to expose false expectations and to prepare these students to face the challenges that they will encounter when they graduate. For additional information about our seminary initiative, contact us by phone at (719) 531-3360 or by e-mail at [email protected].
Pastors and their spouses face as much stress as any of the highest executives in America. Now, more than ever, those in ministry must find times of refreshment and renewal. We, therefore, feel that everyone can benefit from these specially designed three-day two-night retreats.
Pastors and their spouses continue to face pressures, not only from a secular society, but from within the church, as well. Ministry has always been demanding, but the challenges seem greater today than ever before. Our Pastoral Ministries team at Focus on the Family has had the privilege of coming alongside busy, often overworked pastors and their families since 1992. We’re familiar with the pressures of ministry because we’ve all been there ourselves. We know how important it is to have someone put an arm around our shoulders and express that they care. That’s why we’d be honored to have you and your spouse join us for an upcoming Pastor and Spouse Gathering. This half-day seminar will be spent addressing ways to relieve the key stresses that pastors encounter.